继好莱坞明星李奥纳多(Leonardo DiCaprio)在个人Instagram质疑为何世人不关注亚马逊丛林大火,引发大众注意力,如今他干脆透过环保团体直接捐助500万美金 (约2101万令吉) ,不只投入救灾,也会投入灾后的环境重建工程!
据报导,有著“世界之肺”称号的亚马逊雨林(Amazon rainforest),正面临前所未有的野火危机,大火已经持续三周。从单纯的环保议题已经演变为政治议题,原本不愿意投入资源救灾的巴西官方,也在国际舆论压力下投入救灾。
经过他登高一呼,果然让舆论导向原本想置身事外的巴西总统波索纳洛(Jair Bolsonaro),加上G7高峰会的召开,终于愿意低头派兵救灾。
李奥纳多除了在网络上呼吁之外,也宣布透过所资助的环保团体“Earth Allilance”捐助5百万美金(约2101万令吉),投入救灾行动,以及负责灾后的环境复育工程。
#Regram #RG @earthalliance #EarthAlliance, launched in July by @LeonardoDiCaprio, Laurene Powell Jobs, and Brian Sheth, has formed an emergency Amazon Forest Fund with a commitment of $5 million dollars to focus critical resources for indigenous communities and other local partners working to protect the life-sustaining biodiversity of the Amazon against the surge of fires currently burning across the region. Join Us. 100 percent of your donation will go to partners who are working on the ground to protect the Amazon. Earth Alliance is committed to helping protect the natural world. We are deeply concerned about the ongoing crisis in the Amazon, which highlights the delicate balance of climate, biodiversity, and the wellbeing of indigenous peoples. To learn more or to donate, please visit ealliance.org/amazonfund (see link in bio) Photos: @chamiltonjames, @danielbeltraphoto 2017
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